Water Treatment

Olin Chlorinated Organics offers high-purity Methyl Chloride which plays a vital role as an alkylating agent in the development of various quaternary ammonium compounds used in a range of water and wastewater sanitization processes worldwide.

And we back you up with the local support and global resources that Only Olin can provide, virtually anywhere in the world.

We Help Proliferate Your Purification Process

As the ONLY global supplier of chlorinated organics products, we are large enough, yet agile enough, to scale to your production needs. From backwash to effluents, and from plant to tap, our high-performance products provide the safe and reliable chemistry needed to protect public health. Among the more popular end uses for these products include:

  • Bactericides
  • Sanitization chemicals for the food industry
  • Water treatment chemicals (cooling towers/boilers)

We Offer Clearer Safe Handling Capability

We have a fundamental concern for all who make, distribute, and use our products worldwide, as well as for our environment. Our Product Stewardship philosophy demands we are vigilant in the preparation, delivery and storage of all our products. So we always provide you with the world-class support needed to help meet those demands. This means utilizing and explaining:

Specialized tank cars and trucks
Bulk storage best practices
Spill, leak and disposal information
Flammability risk protocol
Employee and public health protection

Download Our Methyl Chloride Safe Handling Guide


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